Daniel Sudhakar 1 © 2008
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This E-Book is meant for informational purposes only. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information provided within this E-Book is
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liabilities caused by reading this information.
The reader assumes full responsibility for the use of information within this document. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever on
behalf of the readers of this E-Book. This publication is for educational use only.
Copyright © 2008 Daniel Sudhakar. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.
Daniel Sudhakar 2 © 2008
Folks new to Internet Business are always skeptical over the claims
made about the amount of wealth that can be made online. They read
that scores of people have made big money on the Net and they
wonder whether its true and whether its possible for them to really
make a living from the Net.
Being cautious is good, but being skeptical or biased won’t get them
very far. It is always better to have an open-minded approach towards
something new. If they take the time to evaluate the claims and try
the business principles that are advocated in a systematic and
consistent manner, then they will realize that Internet Business is
something that really works.
Of course, there are guys who make outrageous claims and promise
that their product would turn you into a millionaire overnight. So,
exercising caution and applying a little plain common sense would also
help here. It is quite obvious that success doesn’t come without effort.
So when anyone claims that their product would fetch you a 5-figure
profit overnight, we should be smart enough to know they’re out to
trick us. The problem is that a lot of folks fall for these kinds of scams
which are nothing but blatant, day-light robbery, and then they
complain that internet businesses don’t work at all.
If they assumed that they could earn 5-figure profits overnight just by
buying a product and not putting in any effort, then there are a lot of
tricksters who would oblige and take them for a ride.
Daniel Sudhakar 3 © 2008
So it is necessary to be cautious when the deal seems too good to be
true. But on the other hand, when genuine opportunities come your
way, that is no time for letting skepticism take control over your
decisions. Therefore you need to judge a business carefully and not let
your emotions take over.
I hope that you are reading this with an open mind. You see, every
business needs to be established on sound business principles. When
these principles are adhered to meticulously, there is every possibility
for the business to flourish and expand beyond your wildest
expectations. I wish to state that if you consistently follow the
suggestions made in this report, it will really help you kick-start your
Internet Business and put you far ahead of your competition.
This book basically consists of two sections. In the first section, I will
be introducing you to the principles of an online business through 3
important business principles. In the second section, I will explain how
exactly to implement those principles in your own business. So in the
first section, I will be giving you an overview about these 3 principles
and in the second section, I will deal with the nitty-gritty details of
implementing those principles.
Daniel Sudhakar 4 © 2008
Section I
So what is it that really makes Internet Business work? Or what is it
that really makes any business work for that matter? The answer is
obvious. Customers! To be precise, a steady flow of customers. Just
think about it. Where is your money going to come from! From the
customers’ pocket, of course! So they are the most important
component of your business, or any business for that matter.
If a business can generate a steady stream of customers, then it can
sustain itself and start to grow. So getting these customers into your
business is the first and major step in kick-starting your business.
Principle # 1. Attract a lot of customers to your business
Don’t let the simplicity of the above statement fool you. It might sound
simple and obvious, but it is a tremendously powerful principle if you
really understand and implement it in your business. It will also save
your business from disaster.
You see, many people don’t understand this basic and important fact.
The business needs to make money, but where is the money? In the
customers’ pockets! So unless you have customers, you won’t make
any money. You need a lot of customers, because that’s where the
money is!
People starting a web business many times think that if they buy a
high-priced product from a Guru or if they join a scheme, then their
Daniel Sudhakar 5 © 2008
business would become profitable. It is precisely this mentality that
makes them fall for scams. A lot of folks get duped because they don’t
realize that the money is with the customers and not in a scheme.
McDonald’s doesn’t make money by joining a scheme. Walmart doesn’t
profit from a scheme either. They get their money from their
customers. In fact all the big businesses get their billions of dollars
from their customers. It is the customers’ money that makes them
I hope I am getting through. It is such a basic truth that many folks
miss it. The simplicity of this truth makes people miss it completely
many times. But now, YOU KNOW! So understand that your customers
are the most important component of your business. Get a lot of
customers to your business in order to succeed.
Now, you might think that its easier said than done. Yes, getting
customers to your business is not a piece of calk, but its not rocket
science either. I’ll show you how to get them without much trouble! So
for the time being, just remember that the first and foremost thing
that we need to start a business is CUSTOMERS.
After you get those customers, you must be careful not to make the
next big mistake that almost all newbies make - and that is, making a
single sale to your customers and then forgetting them. Rather, you
must go out of your way to convert each customer into a LOYAL
customer. Now what is the difference between a plain vanilla customer
and a loyal customer? Well, a person coming into your store, buying a
product from you and then walking away never to return for another
purchase, is a customer. On the other hand, a person who walks into
Daniel Sudhakar 6 © 2008
your store, makes a purchase, walks away, and then comes back
another day and buys more, walks away, and then comes back for
more …… now that is a loyal customer.
Newbies manage to get customers. They fail to convert them into loyal
customers. This is one of the main reasons that newbies fail to get
their business going. Even before they start, they have set the odds
against themselves.
You see, although getting new customers is a not a very difficult task,
it is a time-consuming and labor-intensive one. Initially you should
spend sometime to get new customers, but once you get them, you
should start catering to the needs of your present customer base and
concentrate on keeping them satisfied. When you do that, your
customers will come back for more. They will buy more from you. You
would have converted them into loyal customers. In a moment, I will
show you how to do exactly that.
For a brief period initially, concentrate on getting new customers. Once
you get a good number of them, shift that task to the back burner and
start concentrating on catering to the needs of your present customer
base and converting them into loyal customers.
Principle # 2. Convert your customers into “loyal customers”
Now you might be wondering from where and how you’re going to get
these customers when you don’t have a product to sell them in the
first place. Good you thought about that. I’ll show you where to get a
Daniel Sudhakar 7 © 2008
lot of valuable products. And most of all, I’ll show you how to get them
FREE! Now this is getting interesting!
Let me at the very outset ask you not to think that these products are
given FREE because they are worthless. No! They are great products
created by the best Internet Marketing Gurus on the planet. In fact
these very products are being sold at very high prices all over the
Internet right now! You’re actually getting an insider’s tip on how to
get them free. And by the way, I am not promoting some kind of
illegal method of getting your stuff free. Let me make that clear as
What many folks don’t know is that from time to time, there are
massive Give Away events organized on the Internet where loads and
loads of new products are given away free of cost on the Internet.
These events are known only within the Internet Marketing circles.
While insiders get to feast on these products for free, outsiders
unaware of these give away events have to shell out their hard-earned
money to get the very same products at a high price. I will show you
where to register for these events so that you too can get them for
Principle # 3. Stock an inventory of high quality products
So these are the 3 important principles on which to build your Internet
Business. Once you implement these principles in a systematic and
consistent manner in your business, you will see your business starting
to establish itself and flourish. In the next section, we will deal with
the implementation of these 3 important principles.
Daniel Sudhakar 8 © 2008
Section II
The first section was fairly simple because we were just having an
overview of the list of business principles. This section however will be
a bit more detailed. Listing some principles is easy; implementing
them is the tough part. So we will spend some more time in this
section and go through the exact details of implementing the 3
business principles we covered in the first section.
Let me start with the last principle first.
3. Stock an inventory of high quality products
You will have a lot more confidence to approach your customers boldly
when you are already stocked with loads of high-quality products. It is
vital that we offer top-quality products that are brand new to the
market. Your customers will not appreciate stale products that have
been floating around for 2 or 3 years. So let’s go ahead and grab a lot
of great, brand-new products.
What you are about to get is a huge list of absolutely new products
that’s never been available on the Internet before. You will be among
the first ones to possess it! These products will become available on
March 19th 2008. The doors will be open until March 31st 2008. Within
these 13 days, you can fill your hard drive with some of the latest and
best products on the Net. Register your slot immediately by clicking
the link below.
Yeah, give me a boatload of high-quality high-value products for FREE
Daniel Sudhakar 9 © 2008
In case you missed this event or got the news late, never mind. You
can download a whole lot of products from my website. Click the link
Yeah, give me a boatload of high-quality high-value products for FREE
Download all these products and store them safely on your hard drive.
This is a priceless possession and do all you can to guard it with all you
might. Its wise to store a back-up copy on CDs or DVDs as well. You
can also organize the products by category and store them in different
folders. Now that you have your own products, you can start
concentrating on the next step.
1. Attract a lot of customers to your business
One of the most difficult things in marketing is to make a stranger buy
a product from you. He doesn’t know you to start with, and you don’t
know him either. Trying to make him purchase a product from a
person he has never met before, is an uphill task. So the best thing to
do is to stop trying to sell him anything, until he gets familiar with you.
When you have established a good relationship with him and he trusts
you and knows that you are genuinely interested in him, that is when
you are ready to make a sale. Then he will be more than ready to buy
from you.
Now how do you establish a relationship with him in the first place?
Give him something for FREE! Yes, just give away a product
completely free. No, that’s not a crazy idea. It makes very good
business sense. While there are a lot of fly-by-night operators on the
Daniel Sudhakar 10 © 2008
Net, when you offer a valuable product for free and don’t expect
anything in return, that really makes people sit up and take notice.
They immediately see you in a different light. They not only begin to
trust you, they also feel almost obligated to offer you something in
return. Who said there is no such thing as a free lunch? In the internet
business world, a free lunch is not a very uncommon thing! So, give
them something for free, and earn their trust. These are the people
who will later become your customers.
But make no mistake, you are NOT setting a trap for them here. This
is not a bait that you’re offering. This is a matter of genuine give and
take. You offer them something really valuable that will make a
difference in their lives, no matter how small. When you give, you will
always receive. “Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure,
pressed down, shaken together and running over, men shall give unto
you”. When you sow, you will reap. Ask any farmer, and he’ll vouch for
In the real, physical world, offering a free lunch might turn out to be
an awfully expensive affair. But when you’re doing it online, its not
going to cost you. Remember, in the third tip I was mentioning about
getting products for free through special give away events conducted
on the Net? Now some of those are the products that you would be
offering to your prospective customers as well, in order to develop a
solid relationship with them. Since these are downloadable electronic
items like e-Books and software, you won’t incur mailing costs either.
Once you have built an inventory of good products, you need to
advertise on the Net that you are giving away valuable stuff for free.
Daniel Sudhakar 11 © 2008
Although there are expensive advertising options online, I will show
you an effective advertising solution that is totally free of cost. Click
the link below and use their free advertising service.
Yes, let me advertise my ads for FREE
As a free user, you can advertise 10 different websites of yours for
free on Traffic Swarm. You can create a simple webpage (see
sample.html included with this package) and offer your free products
on it. Now folks that are familiar with creating websites will not find
this a problem, but if you have never created one before, you might
need some help. You can download an excellent FREE Web page editor
to build your web pages.
Let me download the Web Page Editor
You might have noticed that on the sample web page, there was a
small form that asked for the visitor’s name and email address. This is
how you collect the details of your prospective customers. To create
this email collection form, you can avail a free service from the link
I want to create my Email Collection Forms
You basically create a web page with this tiny form at the bottom and
place an advertisement about this page on Traffic Swarm. When your
visitors like the products you offer and want to download them, they
will enter their name and email address in the form on the page. You
Daniel Sudhakar 12 © 2008
can then send them the free product. That is how they become your
prospective customers.
2. Convert your customers into “loyal customers”
So you have offered a free product to your prospective customers and
obtained their contact details in return. To convert them into “loyal
customers”, you have to establish an on-going relationship with them.
So give them free products not just once, but periodically. Let them
get used to hearing from you now and then and expecting something
of real value from you. If it’s a mail from you, its going to be
something good. You have to build that reputation, and keep it up with
all your integrity.
After your prospective customers get used to receiving mails from you
and appreciating them, start sending them “special offers” where they
are given an opportunity to buy a product at a discount price. If you
offer a good product at a good discount price, you’re sure to make a
lot of sales. So intersperse your free product offers with a few “special
offers” now and then. This way, you can keep your customers
interested and you can make money as well.
To receive money from your customers when you make a sale, you
need a payment processor that can take care of the credit card
payments and transfer the money to your bank account. I’ll show you
a good, reliable and free Payment Processor that’s used by almost
everyone in Internet Marketing circles. Just click the link below and get
your payment processor.
Yes I want to get ready to receive money from Credit Cards payments
Daniel Sudhakar 13 © 2008
Now when the volume of visitors to your website is low, you might be
able to handle all the emails manually. You might send the products as
email attachments to each customer as and when they respond to
your offer. But when the traffic starts to increase, you will need an
automated solution to gather your visitors’ email addresses and deliver
them your free product. Moreover, you have to offer them free
products on an on-going basis, and you can’t do this manually.
To do this, you have to setup an auto responder like FreeAutoBot
which we saw earlier, to automatically send emails on a periodic basis.
I have added this wonderful free resource for you here which teaches
you how to do just that. This site contains a series of outstanding
videos that take you by the hand and walk you through setting up
your payment website.
Teach me how to build a website and receive credit card payment
Now these are the essential things you need to do to kick-start your
business and makes profits. After you have downloaded and gone
through all the free resources I have mentioned in this report, you will
be totally equipped to setup a web business that will earn you a good
income month after month.
Daniel Sudhakar 14 © 2008
1. Download and build a huge inventory of brand-new, high quality
Internet products.
2. Setup an auto responder like FreeAutoBot to collect the names
and email addresses of your prospective customers, and insert
the email collection form into your web page.
3. Advertise your web page using a free advertising solution like
Traffic Swarm and give away free products in return for email
4. Using your auto responder, regularly send free products to those
who have registered through your web page.
5. Intersperse your free offer with “special offers” and give your
customers an opportunity to purchase brand-new products at a
good discount price.
6. Repeat step #2 now and then, to get new customers.
7. Repeat steps #3 - #5 to maintain a base of loyal customers who
regularly benefit from your free offers and also to make special
offers to them so that you can make a lot of money.
That’s all there is to it. With this information, you can kick-start your
business and make good profits. All you need to do is understand and
implement these principles consistently. These are sound business
principles and will always bear fruit for your labor. When you are
genuinely interested in catering to the needs of your customers, you
will find that they will be interested in purchasing from you.
Give, and you will receive!
Here’s to your success.
You now possess the
Master Res Resell Rights
for this Report!
You may resell a copy of this Report for
$21, providing none of the content is
changed in any way. You may also
giveaway a copy of this Report to your
customers, subscribers or website
visitors for free providing none of the
content is changed in any way.
This E-Book is meant for informational purposes only. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information provided within this E-Book is
accurate; however the author cannot assume responsibility for any inaccuracies within this document. The author accepts no responsibility for any
liabilities caused by reading this information.
The reader assumes full responsibility for the use of information within this document. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever on
behalf of the readers of this E-Book. This publication is for educational use only.
Copyright © 2008 Daniel Sudhakar. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.
Daniel Sudhakar 2 © 2008
Folks new to Internet Business are always skeptical over the claims
made about the amount of wealth that can be made online. They read
that scores of people have made big money on the Net and they
wonder whether its true and whether its possible for them to really
make a living from the Net.
Being cautious is good, but being skeptical or biased won’t get them
very far. It is always better to have an open-minded approach towards
something new. If they take the time to evaluate the claims and try
the business principles that are advocated in a systematic and
consistent manner, then they will realize that Internet Business is
something that really works.
Of course, there are guys who make outrageous claims and promise
that their product would turn you into a millionaire overnight. So,
exercising caution and applying a little plain common sense would also
help here. It is quite obvious that success doesn’t come without effort.
So when anyone claims that their product would fetch you a 5-figure
profit overnight, we should be smart enough to know they’re out to
trick us. The problem is that a lot of folks fall for these kinds of scams
which are nothing but blatant, day-light robbery, and then they
complain that internet businesses don’t work at all.
If they assumed that they could earn 5-figure profits overnight just by
buying a product and not putting in any effort, then there are a lot of
tricksters who would oblige and take them for a ride.
Daniel Sudhakar 3 © 2008
So it is necessary to be cautious when the deal seems too good to be
true. But on the other hand, when genuine opportunities come your
way, that is no time for letting skepticism take control over your
decisions. Therefore you need to judge a business carefully and not let
your emotions take over.
I hope that you are reading this with an open mind. You see, every
business needs to be established on sound business principles. When
these principles are adhered to meticulously, there is every possibility
for the business to flourish and expand beyond your wildest
expectations. I wish to state that if you consistently follow the
suggestions made in this report, it will really help you kick-start your
Internet Business and put you far ahead of your competition.
This book basically consists of two sections. In the first section, I will
be introducing you to the principles of an online business through 3
important business principles. In the second section, I will explain how
exactly to implement those principles in your own business. So in the
first section, I will be giving you an overview about these 3 principles
and in the second section, I will deal with the nitty-gritty details of
implementing those principles.
Daniel Sudhakar 4 © 2008
Section I
So what is it that really makes Internet Business work? Or what is it
that really makes any business work for that matter? The answer is
obvious. Customers! To be precise, a steady flow of customers. Just
think about it. Where is your money going to come from! From the
customers’ pocket, of course! So they are the most important
component of your business, or any business for that matter.
If a business can generate a steady stream of customers, then it can
sustain itself and start to grow. So getting these customers into your
business is the first and major step in kick-starting your business.
Principle # 1. Attract a lot of customers to your business
Don’t let the simplicity of the above statement fool you. It might sound
simple and obvious, but it is a tremendously powerful principle if you
really understand and implement it in your business. It will also save
your business from disaster.
You see, many people don’t understand this basic and important fact.
The business needs to make money, but where is the money? In the
customers’ pockets! So unless you have customers, you won’t make
any money. You need a lot of customers, because that’s where the
money is!
People starting a web business many times think that if they buy a
high-priced product from a Guru or if they join a scheme, then their
Daniel Sudhakar 5 © 2008
business would become profitable. It is precisely this mentality that
makes them fall for scams. A lot of folks get duped because they don’t
realize that the money is with the customers and not in a scheme.
McDonald’s doesn’t make money by joining a scheme. Walmart doesn’t
profit from a scheme either. They get their money from their
customers. In fact all the big businesses get their billions of dollars
from their customers. It is the customers’ money that makes them
I hope I am getting through. It is such a basic truth that many folks
miss it. The simplicity of this truth makes people miss it completely
many times. But now, YOU KNOW! So understand that your customers
are the most important component of your business. Get a lot of
customers to your business in order to succeed.
Now, you might think that its easier said than done. Yes, getting
customers to your business is not a piece of calk, but its not rocket
science either. I’ll show you how to get them without much trouble! So
for the time being, just remember that the first and foremost thing
that we need to start a business is CUSTOMERS.
After you get those customers, you must be careful not to make the
next big mistake that almost all newbies make - and that is, making a
single sale to your customers and then forgetting them. Rather, you
must go out of your way to convert each customer into a LOYAL
customer. Now what is the difference between a plain vanilla customer
and a loyal customer? Well, a person coming into your store, buying a
product from you and then walking away never to return for another
purchase, is a customer. On the other hand, a person who walks into
Daniel Sudhakar 6 © 2008
your store, makes a purchase, walks away, and then comes back
another day and buys more, walks away, and then comes back for
more …… now that is a loyal customer.
Newbies manage to get customers. They fail to convert them into loyal
customers. This is one of the main reasons that newbies fail to get
their business going. Even before they start, they have set the odds
against themselves.
You see, although getting new customers is a not a very difficult task,
it is a time-consuming and labor-intensive one. Initially you should
spend sometime to get new customers, but once you get them, you
should start catering to the needs of your present customer base and
concentrate on keeping them satisfied. When you do that, your
customers will come back for more. They will buy more from you. You
would have converted them into loyal customers. In a moment, I will
show you how to do exactly that.
For a brief period initially, concentrate on getting new customers. Once
you get a good number of them, shift that task to the back burner and
start concentrating on catering to the needs of your present customer
base and converting them into loyal customers.
Principle # 2. Convert your customers into “loyal customers”
Now you might be wondering from where and how you’re going to get
these customers when you don’t have a product to sell them in the
first place. Good you thought about that. I’ll show you where to get a
Daniel Sudhakar 7 © 2008
lot of valuable products. And most of all, I’ll show you how to get them
FREE! Now this is getting interesting!
Let me at the very outset ask you not to think that these products are
given FREE because they are worthless. No! They are great products
created by the best Internet Marketing Gurus on the planet. In fact
these very products are being sold at very high prices all over the
Internet right now! You’re actually getting an insider’s tip on how to
get them free. And by the way, I am not promoting some kind of
illegal method of getting your stuff free. Let me make that clear as
What many folks don’t know is that from time to time, there are
massive Give Away events organized on the Internet where loads and
loads of new products are given away free of cost on the Internet.
These events are known only within the Internet Marketing circles.
While insiders get to feast on these products for free, outsiders
unaware of these give away events have to shell out their hard-earned
money to get the very same products at a high price. I will show you
where to register for these events so that you too can get them for
Principle # 3. Stock an inventory of high quality products
So these are the 3 important principles on which to build your Internet
Business. Once you implement these principles in a systematic and
consistent manner in your business, you will see your business starting
to establish itself and flourish. In the next section, we will deal with
the implementation of these 3 important principles.
Daniel Sudhakar 8 © 2008
Section II
The first section was fairly simple because we were just having an
overview of the list of business principles. This section however will be
a bit more detailed. Listing some principles is easy; implementing
them is the tough part. So we will spend some more time in this
section and go through the exact details of implementing the 3
business principles we covered in the first section.
Let me start with the last principle first.
3. Stock an inventory of high quality products
You will have a lot more confidence to approach your customers boldly
when you are already stocked with loads of high-quality products. It is
vital that we offer top-quality products that are brand new to the
market. Your customers will not appreciate stale products that have
been floating around for 2 or 3 years. So let’s go ahead and grab a lot
of great, brand-new products.
What you are about to get is a huge list of absolutely new products
that’s never been available on the Internet before. You will be among
the first ones to possess it! These products will become available on
March 19th 2008. The doors will be open until March 31st 2008. Within
these 13 days, you can fill your hard drive with some of the latest and
best products on the Net. Register your slot immediately by clicking
the link below.
Yeah, give me a boatload of high-quality high-value products for FREE
Daniel Sudhakar 9 © 2008
In case you missed this event or got the news late, never mind. You
can download a whole lot of products from my website. Click the link
Yeah, give me a boatload of high-quality high-value products for FREE
Download all these products and store them safely on your hard drive.
This is a priceless possession and do all you can to guard it with all you
might. Its wise to store a back-up copy on CDs or DVDs as well. You
can also organize the products by category and store them in different
folders. Now that you have your own products, you can start
concentrating on the next step.
1. Attract a lot of customers to your business
One of the most difficult things in marketing is to make a stranger buy
a product from you. He doesn’t know you to start with, and you don’t
know him either. Trying to make him purchase a product from a
person he has never met before, is an uphill task. So the best thing to
do is to stop trying to sell him anything, until he gets familiar with you.
When you have established a good relationship with him and he trusts
you and knows that you are genuinely interested in him, that is when
you are ready to make a sale. Then he will be more than ready to buy
from you.
Now how do you establish a relationship with him in the first place?
Give him something for FREE! Yes, just give away a product
completely free. No, that’s not a crazy idea. It makes very good
business sense. While there are a lot of fly-by-night operators on the
Daniel Sudhakar 10 © 2008
Net, when you offer a valuable product for free and don’t expect
anything in return, that really makes people sit up and take notice.
They immediately see you in a different light. They not only begin to
trust you, they also feel almost obligated to offer you something in
return. Who said there is no such thing as a free lunch? In the internet
business world, a free lunch is not a very uncommon thing! So, give
them something for free, and earn their trust. These are the people
who will later become your customers.
But make no mistake, you are NOT setting a trap for them here. This
is not a bait that you’re offering. This is a matter of genuine give and
take. You offer them something really valuable that will make a
difference in their lives, no matter how small. When you give, you will
always receive. “Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure,
pressed down, shaken together and running over, men shall give unto
you”. When you sow, you will reap. Ask any farmer, and he’ll vouch for
In the real, physical world, offering a free lunch might turn out to be
an awfully expensive affair. But when you’re doing it online, its not
going to cost you. Remember, in the third tip I was mentioning about
getting products for free through special give away events conducted
on the Net? Now some of those are the products that you would be
offering to your prospective customers as well, in order to develop a
solid relationship with them. Since these are downloadable electronic
items like e-Books and software, you won’t incur mailing costs either.
Once you have built an inventory of good products, you need to
advertise on the Net that you are giving away valuable stuff for free.
Daniel Sudhakar 11 © 2008
Although there are expensive advertising options online, I will show
you an effective advertising solution that is totally free of cost. Click
the link below and use their free advertising service.
Yes, let me advertise my ads for FREE
As a free user, you can advertise 10 different websites of yours for
free on Traffic Swarm. You can create a simple webpage (see
sample.html included with this package) and offer your free products
on it. Now folks that are familiar with creating websites will not find
this a problem, but if you have never created one before, you might
need some help. You can download an excellent FREE Web page editor
to build your web pages.
Let me download the Web Page Editor
You might have noticed that on the sample web page, there was a
small form that asked for the visitor’s name and email address. This is
how you collect the details of your prospective customers. To create
this email collection form, you can avail a free service from the link
I want to create my Email Collection Forms
You basically create a web page with this tiny form at the bottom and
place an advertisement about this page on Traffic Swarm. When your
visitors like the products you offer and want to download them, they
will enter their name and email address in the form on the page. You
Daniel Sudhakar 12 © 2008
can then send them the free product. That is how they become your
prospective customers.
2. Convert your customers into “loyal customers”
So you have offered a free product to your prospective customers and
obtained their contact details in return. To convert them into “loyal
customers”, you have to establish an on-going relationship with them.
So give them free products not just once, but periodically. Let them
get used to hearing from you now and then and expecting something
of real value from you. If it’s a mail from you, its going to be
something good. You have to build that reputation, and keep it up with
all your integrity.
After your prospective customers get used to receiving mails from you
and appreciating them, start sending them “special offers” where they
are given an opportunity to buy a product at a discount price. If you
offer a good product at a good discount price, you’re sure to make a
lot of sales. So intersperse your free product offers with a few “special
offers” now and then. This way, you can keep your customers
interested and you can make money as well.
To receive money from your customers when you make a sale, you
need a payment processor that can take care of the credit card
payments and transfer the money to your bank account. I’ll show you
a good, reliable and free Payment Processor that’s used by almost
everyone in Internet Marketing circles. Just click the link below and get
your payment processor.
Yes I want to get ready to receive money from Credit Cards payments
Daniel Sudhakar 13 © 2008
Now when the volume of visitors to your website is low, you might be
able to handle all the emails manually. You might send the products as
email attachments to each customer as and when they respond to
your offer. But when the traffic starts to increase, you will need an
automated solution to gather your visitors’ email addresses and deliver
them your free product. Moreover, you have to offer them free
products on an on-going basis, and you can’t do this manually.
To do this, you have to setup an auto responder like FreeAutoBot
which we saw earlier, to automatically send emails on a periodic basis.
I have added this wonderful free resource for you here which teaches
you how to do just that. This site contains a series of outstanding
videos that take you by the hand and walk you through setting up
your payment website.
Teach me how to build a website and receive credit card payment
Now these are the essential things you need to do to kick-start your
business and makes profits. After you have downloaded and gone
through all the free resources I have mentioned in this report, you will
be totally equipped to setup a web business that will earn you a good
income month after month.
Daniel Sudhakar 14 © 2008
1. Download and build a huge inventory of brand-new, high quality
Internet products.
2. Setup an auto responder like FreeAutoBot to collect the names
and email addresses of your prospective customers, and insert
the email collection form into your web page.
3. Advertise your web page using a free advertising solution like
Traffic Swarm and give away free products in return for email
4. Using your auto responder, regularly send free products to those
who have registered through your web page.
5. Intersperse your free offer with “special offers” and give your
customers an opportunity to purchase brand-new products at a
good discount price.
6. Repeat step #2 now and then, to get new customers.
7. Repeat steps #3 - #5 to maintain a base of loyal customers who
regularly benefit from your free offers and also to make special
offers to them so that you can make a lot of money.
That’s all there is to it. With this information, you can kick-start your
business and make good profits. All you need to do is understand and
implement these principles consistently. These are sound business
principles and will always bear fruit for your labor. When you are
genuinely interested in catering to the needs of your customers, you
will find that they will be interested in purchasing from you.
Give, and you will receive!
Here’s to your success.